I know, I know! Fried Chicken!! I pride myself on being healthier than most in Ramadan, we barely veer off our usual dinners and just add in a savoury starter here and there. Even our added starters are healthier, I bake things that should be fried. I go all out to ensure we don’t go overboard. But… Fried Chicken! Who can resist fried chicken?
My Pasta and Bean Salad was featured in this Buzzfeed Community Round Up of Healthy Iftar Ideas recently. Of all the delicious looking things on the list, I knew the baked chicken tenders would be one of the first to try. And try it I did, the only problem was a lack of time and planning (need to work on that) forced me to fry the chicken instead of bake it. Needless to say, the fried version was amazing. I’m sure it would be just as good baked, I’ll have to try it someday. If you’d like to try it for yourself, check out the full recipe on My Ninja Naan.
I have to admit, things have been super busy lately, but when Henna asked me to guest post on her blog I couldn’t refuse. It’s the least I could do for such a good friend. It’s amazing the connections we can make while miles apart. Be sure to check out Henna’s Blog, she has amazing makes and bakes sure to tantalise your taste buds.